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Women's Economic Participation and Macroeconomic Indicators

Women's Economic Participation and Macroeconomic Indicators
Women's Economic Participation and Macroeconomic Indicators


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Saleh Qavidel


Women's Economic Participation and Macroeconomic Indicators

Publication date

23 March 2021

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Population is potentially the main source of manpower supply in the labor market, and governments are always planning and working to develop human capital and create jobs, among other things, based on the growth and change of this social component. Policy-making and planning of accuracy and principles in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the country, requires population studies. This is closely related to disciplines such as economics, sociology, etc. Therefore, identifying population capacities requires the use of studies and research in these areas. The present study, which examines and analyzes the impact of women's economic participation in the Iranian economy, contains key points and important policy approaches.